Friday, August 22, 2008

Tonight sucked!

We had meet the teacher today at the school.

I was so sad that Lanee didn't get Mrs. Brunney. She was Koley's teacher from last year who I adore and respect a great deal. She was a fantastic teacher, the kind that is in it for the kids. I got the letter with her teacher assignment and sobbed. Yes, I am a bit overwhelmed and I cry at the drop of a hat lately.

Nothing at all against that lovely teacher that she was assigned to but I was so hoping that she would be with Mrs. Brunney. That would be just one less worry that I would have.

The part that sucked was after I left Lane's school, I walked toward Koley's building as I was going to the car. At that point, it hit me that I should be going to his meet the teacher. Of course I am not because he isn't home. He isn't going to start the third grade at home. I makes me so terribly sad. It sucks.


SavvySarahDesigns said...

oh, mama! i am so sorry you are feeling overwhelmed and sad.

lots of love and hugs!

the time will pass quickly - and each day will bring you closer to healing! when you lay down to sleep at night, take a breath and got through it and you are one day closer to him coming home. those days will add up quickly.

Liz said...

lots of hugs!! it's alright to've been through a lot and i admire you for holding up as much as you have!