Wednesday, April 01, 2009

queen slacker!

I have fallen off of the bloggin' bandwagon. The days have been a whirlwind of chaos. So much going on. I celebrated my 33rd birthday with my besties at the best St. Patricks party ever! Very obviously entirely too much alcohol was consumed. But you only have a birthday once a year right?

I took some darling pictures of my baby boy for easter that I am just in love with. He is such a sweet boy and continues to make my days filled with smiles. He is saying hi-e, bye and bah (which is ball.) He is stepping and standing on his own. Not a full fledged walker but he is close. He hates being in the car but loves to climb on chairs and then onto the table. He is starting to show his fiesty personality and certainly shows a bit of his mothers temper.

Abbie is Abbie and Lane is doing well in school. She is getting ready to sign up for cheerleading (at her evil mother's prompting!)

Sarah joined me for a miserable meeting at children's services regarding Kole. It was 2.5 hours of hell. Seriously awful. I am SO very thankful that she was with me as I would have literally lost my mind. We are all working for the same thing, the same goal, which is Kole's health and safety but it seems like we are all working against one another. It is so very frustrating. His home visits have been very successful and he has been behaving very well. Visits to Cleveland are miserable and we are so anxious for him to return home for good.

I have started working out and have hired a personal trainer. I am really enjoying it and can hardly work out enough. I want to go to the gym all the time. I have drastically changed my diet (which is SO hard) but I am hoping to see some major results in just a couple of months.

Sarah and I hosted a super fantastic and successful mini session on the 21st. You can view a ton of fantastic photographs on the photography blog.

It was a great day with so many beautiful children. It is a ton of work but it goes so quickly and really is so fun!


Liz said...

missed your updates!! :) i'm glad to hear that your visits with Koley at home are going so well. i hope they continue! but, i wish you didn't have to go through so many struggles :( (((hugs)))

Kim and Dave said...

Good to hear from you. I've missed you! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Kole.

D said...

So sorry to hear about your trip to Children's. You all will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Happy belated birthday!