Friday, June 26, 2009

great couple of days in the johnson home!!

Lane and I got to visit yesterday with Koley while waiting for the dr.s at the orthopedic center. He was given another x-ray and all looks good! The bones are aligning and look to be healing! He will go back in 2 weeks and have another x-ray and then a short arm (waterproof)cast for another two weeks, if all goes well.

While we were talking he mentioned that he was removed from ICC (Intensive Care Center) restriction. Meaning he is able to go out of the locked, heavily fenced area where he lives. It is a big step and a huge reward. I am so proud of him and thrilled as we will be able to visit more and play with him outside.

What do we do while waiting at the hospital? Why take silly photographs of course! Lane is in love with my point and shoot and took most of these. It was fun and we got some great shots!!


Jill said...

Cute pictures! I love those goofy ones! :)

Anonymous said...

Love the cute, goofy pictures!!!