Friday, July 17, 2009

koley update

A couple of weeks ago I mentioned that after 11 months our appt for Koley at the center for autism spectrum disorders at Childrens had been scheduled. We had our first appointment on the 8th. Several rounds of testing were completed that included, play and speech evaulations and a non verbal IQ test.

We received a call in the afternoon on the 9th regarding the speech evaulation. He had fallen below the levels and they wanted him to return to have further testing completed. We visited again on the 15th. That afternoon we received another call to tell us that he does indeed have a moderate language delay. His respective and expressive levels are at an even level which is positive but below what they should be. They recommend and have referred him for therapy thru Childrens as well as the school district.

It is so unbelievably frustrating that we are just now learning all of this and that I couldn't have helped him sooner. I try to believe that I have done and continue to do and push for everything possible to help him.

We haven't learned the results of the other testing. They said it would be a couple of weeks. They had to have time to review his paperwork and tests. I am becoming more and more anxious.


Tammy said...

You know now. That's all that matters. Your family will get through it. The Johnsons are a strong bunch!

D said...

Speech issues can be so subtle that the results even surprise the pathologist doing the assessments. You're learning more and more about're not a bad mom. In fact, you're one of the strongest advocates I know (and I know a lot of them!).

Hang in there. You are not alone.

Anonymous said...

Erin you are a terrific mother. You have done all you can and continue to do all that you can to support and provide the right treatment for Kole.

I'm sure it's tough. Hang in there. You are strong and you are surrounded by so many people who care!

Stacey B. said...

Thanking God for this step in the right direction. Will continue to pray for more and more steps in the direction of helping Koley.

love you guys.