Thursday, August 27, 2009


He is growing and talking like I can't believe. Almost 19 months. The list is huge. He points in the sky and declares that he 'see moon!' The kitty doesn't meow rather he says 'how!' He says down instead of up but is able to say his name and all of the kids. I am no longer mama but mommie. Daddy is also 'd-d' which Sean loves. He asks for more and loves 'fench fry' and 'pee-za!' Mulk is his favorite drink of choice and downs about 6 full 'bob-bulls' a day. He's putting two words together quite often and says 'hi' to everyone and everything. He'll say 'peas' and 'tay you' without being asked.

He can reconize a puppy, kitty, duck and cow. He knows their sounds and repeats them often. He is always dancing and signing. He demands to sit in my lap most of the day.

He climbs the steps for the slide and would do it 100 times if we let him. He holds his golf club with the correct grip and drags it behind him like Linus drags his blanket.

He'll pull up his shirt and show you his belly when asked and can point to his head, nose, ears, eyes and toes. He generally has a golf ball in one hand. Just carries it around. Sometimes two.

He has a fascination with 'shooooes.' He knows to bring them to you when it's time to go outside. One can't leave their shoes by the door without Brody carrying them around the house.

He is smiley and affectionate and is very rarely unhappy. He gives kisses and forehead 'bonks' when asked.

He lays right down when we lay him wide awake. He asks for Moe-Moe, which is his monkey. He turns on his music in his crib and wakes up with a raisin thumb. He is a super sleeper. I have to wake him in the morning and again from his naps.

He is amazing.


Liz said...

so stinking adorable! wait til lexi sees these! :)

Jill said...

Can't believe how mature he looks! Such a young handsome little man! I love it! You guys make beautiful babies! :)

Anonymous said...

I can't believe how grown up he is. So cute!

Mrs. Case said...

I don't know if you guys have a store called Ross in your parts, but here in California they're airing a commerical with some young kids pretending to sing. In the beginning there is a blonde girl who looks so much like both of your daughters, I could swear you birthed her. Always makes me think of your blog.